If you missed part 1 of this little tale, you may want to start here. Anywho..somewhat dejected...I'm perusing the aisle of grills in my price range. It's the DIY aisle, as I had planned to assemble the silly thing myself...but I'm still bitter from my experience with Mr. 45000BTU. Most in the range I had set for myself were about what I had before, so no harm, no foul....I'm still a man right? Then I see it......and am confused......I waive the 1st person in a red smock over that I see.....we'll call him dude in red smock....here after known as "DIRS"
Me...I'm confused..isn't that the same unit on display over there for $199.00..this says $169.00.
DIRS...Oh yeah....that's because it doesn't comes with a tank, the tank is separate for $30.00.
Me...I don't need a tank, I have 2 at home...
DIRS...You don't have to buy a tank...
Me...I don't know...thats still a little more than I meant to spend.
DIRS...Well you didn't see the sign did you? This is the post 4th of July sale,,,,20% off all gas grills in stock..
Me...I dunno...
DIRS...If you buy it today, we'll give you a voucher for a free tank exchange when you need a refill..
My mind does quick math....$169.00 -20% + 1 free gas exchange.....that makes this gas grill damn near FREE!!! Well no...but it drops the grill well into the $140.00 dollar zone..and..and a free tank exchange...
As I'm wheeling the cart out to the jeep, I'm absolutely gloating. I'm humming the man song..you know the one..I'm a man!! I bought a grill!!! I'm a man...I'll burn meat!! I digress....
It's during this time while still enjoying the afterglow of beating the snickering grill, relishing the knowledge and eyeing my jeep as I get closer...a dilemma arises..this is a huge ass box! It's not just a big box....it's a huge box..I mean really really huge....and in hindsite..perhaps I should have cleaned out the back of the jeep, the back of which is still holding the bulk of our camping gear. Houston...We have a problem...
After several minutes of rearranging camp gear into the back seat....front seat..over hanging between front and back seat..the box..almost..just almost fits....I'm a guy, I know what this means. One more good shove and quick slam of the hatch.....grill is in the back of the jeep.....I'm a happy man, take that Mr. Grill! I notice when climbing behind the wheel, that my coleman lantern no longer has a glass globe...or atleast not a complete one..this is of little consequence.....I have a grill...I'm a man....I must take my bounty to my house and assemble it.....I must revel in todays accomplishment...I drive home singing the man song......
To be continued...Here in part 3 |