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Father, Big ole perv, dork, geek. Hopeless romantic....

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    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    I've won an award!! :)

    The lovely Aunt Jackie has seen fit to grant me this cool award!! :)

    While I'm not certain I'm worthy of this honor, I am pretty damn proud to call her friend, and proud to post this out there.

    Also, if ya haven't been to her really should go peek. Not only is she a southern hottie, her and her husband have a have a kick ass band (SAP) that just released it's first CD!! Go give her a listen! :)

    Comments on "I've won an award!! :)"


    Blogger Bunny said ... (9:24 PM) : 

    Awww - you deserve it Zig!! But what happened with the $#^%^@!%& grill??!?!?!?!


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:54 PM) : 

    a truly rockin' blogger you are!


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