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    Wednesday, May 16, 2007

    Wednesday Inspiration....from Zig..:)

    Always look on the bright side of life my friends!!!!! :)

    Comments on "Wednesday Inspiration....from Zig..:)"


    Blogger crse said ... (7:23 AM) : 

    You are right! This cheered me right up and I didnt even play the you-tube yet! I still feel somewhat nauseous and fearful but realized that there was no good way to set up a conversation about why someone thinks you suck unless its spontaneous. Gretty will be here though and afterwards, we are going to breakfast!


    Blogger Tawny said ... (8:43 AM) : 

    You know, I've never been a MP fan and haven't seen much of their work. This though made me laugh hysterically! Thanks, I needed it.


    Blogger Mrs.ZigZagMan said ... (6:27 PM) : 

    I keep a flashlight handy to illuminate those dark places.


    Blogger ZigZagMan said ... (10:14 PM) : 

    CRSE..Buck up buddy...I'm sure it will be fine..but always remember the tune when things get bad..:)

    Tawn..Glad I could give ya a morning chuckle. The tune is catchy yes? :)

    Mrs Zig..I gotch yer flashlight!! :)


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