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    Monday, September 25, 2006

    Moody Monday........................

    Ever fall "out of love?".. No no dear friends, I'm not talking the lovely wife. I'd kill and or die for her without a blink. I mean my job.

    After almost 18 years, building a career in this company, I find myself in an odd spot. I'm not sure if I no longer "love what I do", or just "disenfranchised" with whom I do it for...

    Some days, I just want to run away, me and the family........screw the world and live off the land. Other days I remember, a paycheck and electricity is a handy tool.

    In 18 years....the company has changed so much in some ways...and so little in other ways. I guess the same can be said of myself and my co-workers. I can't really afford to quit, can't really walk in happy......I'm at a crossroads..

    I do know that it's a different company now.....and somehow, not the family I married into. My job and I need some serious therapy, lest we end up in divorce court...

    Any of you ever been at this "fork in the road" place?

    Comments on "Moody Monday........................"


    Blogger Suze said ... (5:33 AM) : 

    I think we all come to the same place at some point in our lives. As we mature priorities change.

    I used to work in my job purely because of the good salary but became disenchanted with it about 2 years ago.

    Problem is now I don't know what I want to do but I want to do something I will be happy in. Oh, and lets not forget I need the money!

    So I fully understand you predicament, I'm just not sure what advice to give. :)


    Blogger Elaine Denning said ... (2:43 PM) : 

    I reached that point too. I was out of work for 12 months, not having a clue what I wanted, and have just taken a job purely for the paycheck. I know it's not going to make me happy, but like Suze, I'm not sure what I want anymore.


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