Well I was surprised by this........
Mingle2 - Online Dating I think it was from posting the lyrics the the "Uncle fucker" song that did me in on this one. Hrrrmmm, that or midget porn....you never can be sure of this things!! Curious how your blog rates?? Take the test. I stole mine from Jay..who stole his from CRSE...who stole hers from Polyopia. Shit!!! Somebody just stole my beer!!!!!!!!!!! |
Comments on "Well I was surprised by this........"
I think it only takes a couple f-bombs and some bewbies to get the NC-17 anymore. I liked mine so much I put it in my sidebar!
We are NC-17 too, although we dont have that rating in Australia so I had to look up what it meant.
yeah......but you two are pervs and all........:)
I'm pretty proud of my NC-17 rating.
I guess it's the f-bombs. I mean, midget porn is good clean fun for the whole family isn't it?
I'm adding your blog to my blogroll if that's okay with you.
Jay...It's gotta be the fbombs......no other explaination!! Thanks for the link man....I added you as well..:)
This is SO freaking FUNNY. Bc everywhere I go, blogs are being rated NV-17 or higher...
....I took it and mine got a G. Uh huh....A G!??!
Im SOOO Surprised buddy! Its the bewbies im telling you!
I am lame my blog on myspace was rated "G". Just wanted to let you know I borrowed it from you and posted it on my page.