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    Friday, November 10, 2006

    Da Count.....Friends you don't expect a call from.....

    So I'm sitting quite comfy, looking up important porn and crap, when the land line rings....

    Usually, and especially if you're a long time reader, you may know this is an awkward moment for me. Unarmed with a working caller ID display at the moment...I must make a difficult decision. It's the evening after all...I know all too well how this can go....

    After carefully juggling the options, I pick up on the 3rd ring, and am pleasantly surprized by a trademark "HOOOLLLAAA!!!!!!!!!!!". I respond the only way appropriate....."WAZZZZZUPPPPIIIEE!!!!!!" :)

    Half hour later, two guys pushing 40 hang up, and I'm reminded I do have more friends this life than I care to admit at times.

    I'm thankful I have friends, both online and offline. I'm thankful, that sometimes they make the effort to call me. I'm thankful this call was not one of my uncles so piss drunk as to be speaking a different language...........:)

    Happy Friday goofs and friends!!!

    Comments on "Da Count.....Friends you don't expect a call from....."


    Blogger Cosima said ... (11:56 PM) : 

    :) Oh yes, I remember those. Ours was forest green, and I used to have a callus on my index finger.

    Calls from friends are the best! Great Da Count! I'm up too.


    Blogger lecram sinun said ... (3:48 PM) : 

    Friends... yeah they are priceless! Great count!


    Blogger Suze said ... (5:46 AM) : 

    Zig, you need an answerphone, then you can decide if you want to pick up.

    It also helps when you and Mrs Zig are doing the do. ;)


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