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Father, Big ole perv, dork, geek. Hopeless romantic....

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    Thursday, March 29, 2007

    Seems I've been tagged...:)

    Egads!!!!! I havent been tagged in quite some time......but since it's from my favorite Canadian...Hot & Horney the moment...I'll play along..:)

    The tag is-

    1. Get tagged
    2. List five things that have not been revealed on your blog.
    3. Tag five others

    OK........5 things I have not divulged here before.....hrrrmmmmm

    Shit....this is going to be a tough one.....hrrmmmmm...

    1) I once called Steven Novak and told him I was listening to Patsy Cline and thinking of him...he stopped blogging that week.....True Story!!

    2) I have died....atleast twice....this life.

    3) I have and sometimes do......pee in the shower.

    4) I can sleep perfecly still, and not mess up the pile of laundry on it.

    5) I took home economics in highschool to increase my chances of getting laid....all I got out of it was learning to sew.:)

    Thats my who to pick....who to pick....hrm....

    I'll tag crse Amorous Rocker RockDog Jeanniegrrl.....and semi celibate.

    Take care goofs and friends...:)

    Comments on "Seems I've been tagged...:)"


    Blogger skinny me said ... (12:02 PM) : 

    I sometimes pee in the shower too. tee hee
    Doesn't everyone?!
    Thanks for playing!


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:56 PM) : 

    im on it buddy. and i promote peeing in the shower to my whole family!


    Blogger Stealth said ... (4:19 PM) : 

    that site was awesome!! :-D


    Blogger skinny me said ... (11:28 PM) : 

    Hi Zig! Just wanted to let you know that I changed my blog addy.
    It is

    Sorry to be such a pain the ass....if you could update your link that would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks a bunch darlin'!


    Blogger Semi-Celibate Man said ... (2:34 AM) : 

    Cool list. Okay, I'm tagged and I'm on it. Give me a day or so to finish my travels...


    Blogger Ash said ... (10:45 AM) : 

    Dude, I'm so on it. Like your list too!


    Blogger Semi-Celibate Man said ... (3:14 AM) : 

    Okay, I finally posted today. You made me think!


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