Da Count.....and the job interview
I drop the manchild off at school and make my 8am appointment with 5 minutes to spare....all good. The interview was very informal with the owner and his wife......or perhaps the owner and her husband...hard to gauge that one so far. I was informed that it was a high stress job, tempers flare, and they are known to cuss from time to time. I replied that it sounded alot like my last job...we all had a good laugh..:) We discussed the software they use and the operating systems they use....then it kinda fucked abit. I answered honestly when asked my opinion of Windows Vista........apparently she "likes Vista", and wants to migrate all her XP machines there in the next year..........I'm not certain my response that by next year...it might be a viable product, was a save. So anywho, the interview went on. We discussed things like pension and policy, wages and hours, products and services. I'll take it as a good sign that I was told "when you come in for the follow-up interview, we'll hammer out wages". We'll see and fingers crossed. After the interview, I ran over to a client, wrapped up a project, drove home and emailed them an invoice.....if I had more clients, this whole interview would be......well........as I said, fingers crossed....:) Anywho.........Da Count!! I am thankful my wife is a patient woman. I am thankful for friends and family that have faith in me. I am thankful for a father who I can have honest talks with, and still walk away feeling pretty good. I am thankful that my resume is interesting enough to raise some eyebrows. I am thankful I didn't eat beans last night, it might have made the interview more interesting.....but less productive...:) Happy Da Count goofs and friends...:) ***Image borrowed from Johhny Paycheck |
Comments on "Da Count.....and the job interview"
Sending out the positive vibes on the interview! Cool count! Cheers!
Very cool news.
Good luck with everything.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck!
I love you. You will be spectacular.