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    Tuesday, January 23, 2007

    Almost Famous.....and TMI..:)

    OK, so a lil wierd, but as a goof and all, I was very surprised by a request to consider an interview about my blog. I was even more surprised the offer seems to be legit. Ehh, we haven't decided yet...the lovely wife and I, but certainly cool to atleast be approached. Anywho, on to the TMI!! :)

    It is National Pie Day! hahaha ok enough nonsense... on with TMI! ;)

    1. What is a creampie?
    A tastey snack, period...:)

    2. Once a cheater, always a cheater. True or false... why?
    Trust is hard enough to build, let alone..rebuild, but I think false. People make mistakes, but on this one, it's usually a mistake because something is broke or was never really there to begin with. If it can be fixed, then it can be a "one time thing", if it was never there to begin goes on

    3. Where is the female G spot and how do you find it?
    Which one? The one in her mind or the one just slightly offside the left toward the pubis? If you can't find the 1st, you'll probably never find the 2nd.....:)

    4. Is there a correlation between shoe size and penis size?
    This one would be best answered by people who have actually dated a clown, mine can easily fit in my shoe.....:)

    5. Can women have wet dreams?
    Those better be wet dreams soiling my sheets when Agrah is home alone!! :)

    Bonus (as in optional): Take a wild guess, how many calories are in a man's average ejaculation? (no cheating and looking that shit up!) haha
    Before or after chicago style pizza??????????

    Comments on "Almost Famous.....and TMI..:)"


    Blogger Sexy Duet said ... (7:14 AM) : 

    The interview opportunity sounds interesting, keep us updated if you decide to go ahead with it.

    Love your answer to #4, too funny!

    Ms SD


    Blogger Suze said ... (4:26 PM) : 

    Good for you knowing where the female g-spot is.

    As for the female wet dreams I have had them. So Agrah has been a good girl. ;)


    Blogger Suze said ... (4:27 PM) : 

    Good for you knowing where the female g-spot is.

    As for the female wet dreams I have had them. So Agrah has been a good girl. ;)


    Blogger Suze said ... (4:28 PM) : 

    Good for you knowing where the female g-spot is.

    As for the female wet dreams I have had them. So Agrah has been a good girl. ;)


    Blogger Suze said ... (4:29 PM) : 

    Good for you knowing where the female g-spot is.

    As for the female wet dreams I have had them. So Agrah has been a good girl. ;)


    Blogger Suze said ... (4:32 PM) : 

    Good for you knowing where the female g-spot is.

    As for the female wet dreams I have had them. So Agrah has been a good girl. ;)


    Blogger Suze said ... (4:40 PM) : 

    Bloody blogger. I'm so glad we moved...


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