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    Tuesday, March 11, 2008

    I've been tagged.....:)

    So after the trip up part to inspect the thievery, and to find other things to be grumpy about, I took my mom out on a date. If you never should!

    yes yes...this sounds geeky or nerdy, but fuck mom is a lonely woman, and I as the only son take her out a couple times a year, we gamble, we eat dinner, and then she drinks me under the table.

    Actually...I think I won this last drinking bought......but only by 5 minutes.......but I's just how we do things here..

    So we set aside 50 each for the casino.............which we need to go into that, it was never expected we'd win. Hoped for yes......but expected no. This was about entertainment, and money well spent.

    When it was all and I looking at a half full 5th, and a pile of empty beer cans......we decided...perhaps it was time to go to bed. Thats family bonding friends....thats just gold.

    I'm a lucky Zig.


    BTW.....Winterskibunny has tagged me...........I'll be responding to that tomorrow.....:)

    Comments on "I've been tagged.....:)"


    Blogger Bunny said ... (8:56 AM) : 

    Zig's a mama's boy - who knew?! Gambling and drinking - that's quality time. It's sweet that you spend time with your mom.


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