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Father, Big ole perv, dork, geek. Hopeless romantic....

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    Saturday, April 12, 2008

    Temporarily out of order........

    Due to a shift in priorities, and an acknowledgment that I resemble the above more than I care to admit, I'll be taking a break from blogging for awhile.

    This is not goodbye friends, but it is time for me to focus more on what really should matter, and less on this computer screen. And let's be honest....this has not been a fun read for any of us for awhile. It's been fun, but it's been destructive as well...and I only have myself to blame.

    While I accept my shame and bad behavior, and hope to redeem myself with the people that matter most...that will not stop me from blaming all of you. Thats heard me. Over beer and polite conversation, I'll not hesitate for a minute to blame all of you....because...ehh, I'm kinda a dick that way.

    I'm kidding btw....about the blaming you goofs thing...mostly. See ya all back in a few weeks or months. I've got some serious work to do.......and I'm going to do it. :)

    Comments on "Temporarily out of order........"


    Blogger Unknown said ... (10:39 AM) : 

    ah, I will see you in a few weeks :)

    I have been the kid in that cartoon a lot myself


    Blogger Bunny said ... (3:19 PM) : 

    Good for you. We'll miss you, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do for your happiness and that of your loved ones.

    Hugs, honey, and good luck.


    Blogger Ashly Star said ... (1:50 AM) : 

    Good for you! Get to work. I'll still be here somewhere when you get back in weeks or months. Take care of yourself sir zig. Good luck darlin'.


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:00 PM) : 

    Please stay in touch as much as you can. I really hope you work things out because you seem like a great guy who had a really good thing going. Im glad you are working on fixing it. Hugs to both of you, if I may be so bold.


    Blogger Mosaic10 said ... (8:04 PM) : 

    WE have to talk to ourselves???
    Sheesh bro, I am even answering myself hahahaha just joking, I blast ye old air horn next Im thru yer area hugs, and gleaming screaming chromies at ya both


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