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    Monday, April 07, 2008

    Saying goodbye is never easy...

    but seriously old's time for you to go. We've had alot of laughs together over the years, but at the same time...your just not good for me. I know you're chuckling, I know you don't believe me, but I mean it this time.

    There may be a ton of things pretty sideways in my life right now, but this is one thing I can control. This is one thing I can do all by myself.

    I'm going to miss ya kinda I guess, but it's time for us to part ways.

    Goodbye Camel Lights.

    Comments on "Saying goodbye is never easy..."


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:55 PM) : 

    Stay strong man. If you need to talk about ANYTHING you know my number. I'm here if you need an ear.



    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:27 AM) : 

    Go you! I am having lung problems as we speak and ive never smoked so I thank you on behalf of everyone. you can do this buddy. Hang in there!


    Blogger Bunny said ... (10:48 AM) : 

    Good for you! You will feel better, smell better, and save a buttload of cash. You are strong - you can do this!!!


    Blogger Unknown said ... (10:52 PM) : 

    Good Work!! I just quit myself!!



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