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    Thursday, March 27, 2008

    So the fun has begun.......

    A couple of weeks ago, I actually started my new job full time. This is a huge shift for me in terms how and why I get paid, and to be's pretty damn scary. But ya know what??? I'm liking it, and I can do this!

    It's going to be tight for awhile, and honestly...I wish I had gotten serious about this 6 months ago. Pursuing a world of self employed PC tech really just didn't fly here. did fly, but then people don't pay...they bounce checks...they stiff you or pull no shows for an on-site....they crap ass you with "well Bob quoted me half that"! People can be assholes. Fuck that noise. I'm out, I'm way out. I love IT and PC repair, I have a couple customers that I'll always service.......but screw the "I can make a living of this shit".

    Wish me luck goofs and friends, this is going, and it's feeling good. It's not money in the bank yet, but the wheels stopped spinning and the truck is moving!! :)

    Comments on "So the fun has begun......."


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:40 AM) : 

    If i get the chance i'll send some business your way, don't know if i'll get the chance though. We''l just have to see if I survive the coming week, lol or should i say, if the girls don't make me kill them.


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:39 PM) : 

    Do you like the job? I hope so! It's kind of scary because your self-employment sounds a lot like my "full-time" job. Oh I get paid for forty hours a week but sometimes, there are serious hoops to be jumped through that take way more than forty hours before it's all said and done. I hope it's a good fun job buddy!


    Blogger Bunny said ... (7:48 AM) : 

    A full-time job? In Michigan? Who'd ya have to kill for that one?

    Seriously, congrats on full-time employment. In this economy, that's something.

    Go Zig!


    Blogger Ashly Star said ... (8:55 PM) : 

    Go you! Congratulations on the new job. I hope it works out very well for you and yours. ;)


    Blogger Mosaic10 said ... (9:51 PM) : 

    Awesome Ziggy

    Totally fantastic and in Michigan too! That alone definatly is reason to crack a bottle or two.
    Was thinking you were gonna have to come drive the beast for us!
    Speaking of... did ya hear the airhorn about 10 nights ago??? Blew it yer way LOL
    luv ya all


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