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    Saturday, March 15, 2008

    Why I'd prefer 40+ the city..

    Recently, my fellow blogger Bunny posted an entry why she liked living in the semi-city. You can read the whole post here

    While I agree with my friend that it's cool to yak with friends and neighbors.....I could not disagree more, for myself. It's not thats she is wrong, it's just that I like me privacy...and privacy. Lets face it goofs and friends, I'm not totally right in the head, if I choose to run around naked in my back yard, I should have that option. Should that option blind a neighbor due to my pastey ass hairy cottage cheese ass....well yes, thats bad.

    Give me to have parties without annoying my neighbors. Give me room to play my music loud and shoot guns. Give me room to sit naked in a hot tub alone, or with my wife..or with any combination plus friends in my backyard.

    It's not for everybody, but I am perfectly content, not having to live that close to all, now only if I can make it happen full time......:)

    I'm not antisocial.........I'm just not the best of neighbors......:)

    Comments on "Why I'd prefer 40+ the city.."


    Blogger Jennfactor 10 said ... (3:20 AM) : 

    I'd have to agree, Zig.

    The ability to invite over everyone you know, and be screaming giggly drunk until 2 or 3 in the am can't be had in the 'burbs, let alone living on top of each other in a city.

    Bunny made it sound pretty good, though...


    Blogger Bunny said ... (8:30 AM) : 

    My dad is like you - he would love a house way back in the woods with no neighbors within sight or shouting distance. My mom is the only thing keeping him from his dream home - she likes civilization too much and won't live more than 10 miles from a decent grocery store.

    I certainly didn't mean that my chouce to live in the city would be right for everyone, but it's right for us at this stage in our lives.


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:52 AM) : 

    hey zig,
    I couldn't agree more! Give a house surrounded by trees, room for a garden, and a barn to tinker around in and im a happy man. if it takes an extra 5 min's to get to town then it takes town 5 more mins to get to me! lol


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:34 AM) : 

    You know? I was having similar thoughts as i was trying to untangle the dog yesterday wearing cut-off shorts a dirty home-made t-shirt, sweat socks and high heels. Neighbors don't need to see that you know? I miss ya buddy. Im going to try to be a better cyber neighbor.


    Blogger ZigZagMan said ... (6:01 PM) : 

    Factor 10...To each their own...but I like city life in small doses...:)

    Bunny...Your father is a wise man. I admire his ability to know what he wants, and sensibly do what his wife wants instead! :)

    Spook...Anything that adds to your zombie defence a good thing. Thats all I'm saying. :) you've just given me my happy mental image for the day! :)


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