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    Saturday, November 30, 2013

    Starting Again.....................

    My good friend Jax and I were talking on Facebook not so long ago....(Yes and fuck you, when you get old you go to FB and die now that kids.......and arguably us have sucked all the life out of it.....or back to irc and do the same....I hear myspace is becoming relevant again...that's some funny shit there...I kill myself..) an we kinda agreed to start blogging again.

    So I'm sitting in front of the screen and even after the holiday.......I've got....well.....not a fucking thing. This should have been a long weekend and ripe with stories to be shared....exploits to be reveled in...hookers and midgets and zebras.........the hell happened to my life???

    It's not as if I've truly lost my sense of humor or irony...I laugh pretty much every day and mostly at myself, deservedly so because I am kinda a dumbass. Why just lovely gf made me snicker as her last words were "Fuck you!! Tellitubbies...and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!" Made me snork just a little....

    I guess this weekend is a good reminder that maybe I do still need this type this shit and not just chew it like cud............maybe this will help me stop eating my brain.....maybe this will just plain help.

    Boobies for reading this far.......:)

    Till my next post....:)

    Thursday, November 14, 2013

    Everybody falls down.............

    It's how you stand back up that matters....................:)
    I did not pen this, I actually stumbled across this looking up a word an old highschool friend tossed at me...(Thank you MF FB for reconnecting me with classmates I never tried to find..........ever. I mean seriously, FB and highschool class mates is more about tapping that ass one last time, or atleast once before you die....with the occasional 12 step program and howdy..........I digress.......

    That said, I found this......and thought it was pretty cool. Please share your thoughts..........:)


    I see no intagonist. 
    I have heard of no intagonist. 
    I do not even know what an intagonist is! 

    But why do these questions seemingly solve themselves in my head when I sleep I night? When I breathe? When I clothe? When I bathe? When I dine? 

    Yet this is another question that solves it self seemingly. 

    Yet another tale to tell nobody, for nobody has no memory of me. 

    Yet another person to tell that I am just a mere messenger, just a mere teller. 

    But this is not true; it never has and it never will be, I have never been a messenger nor a teller. I am simply forgotten, yet they remember me not, and think me mad. 

    Yet only 'those' "philosophers" and "congressmen" and "physicists" and "ranking officers" and "engineers" and "inventors" and "scientists" think the whole world and the forgotten, hidden people like I mad - that children and fools and madmen deserve to be cast aside in the landfills of their own waste and be forever forgotten. 

    But I'd rather have a merry band of madmen and fools and castaways than have an army of animals trying to scramble over each other crazily and dirtily in an effort to rise to power, to wealth, to fame. 

    When you look at it that way, who really are the fools? Who really are the madmen? Who really are the insane, the foolhardy children, the court jesters, the followers, the puppets, the ignorant, the criminals? 

    Who really are the animals, then? 

    If you don't know, then I wouldn't possibly know. 

    Why? It's because I'm just a mere messenger. 

    Just a mere teller. 

    Just a mere forgotten man. 

    Wednesday, November 13, 2013

    So it's been awhile and life moves on. I'm going to take a new stab at this and see what happens, frankly this has always been more of a diary / cheap therapy for me more so than anything else.

     I'll do my best to keep the freaks and twerps selling shoes and fake rolex watches to a minimum.....but they are out there........ Read along and and say howdy if it's fun....:)

     Image for Ms Jax.......:)

    Tuesday, November 12, 2013

    And on this day..........Jax convinced me to start writing again....:)