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    Friday, April 01, 2011

    So I'm sitting at a friends house....

    and I'm listening to "Live from Ireland.."

    It's classic folk music streaming while I'm perusing the web and stuff and friend comes in..

    Friend: Hey......whatch'ya listening to?.....see you got music up

    Me: It's you like?

    Friend: Garlic? What the hell is garlic music?

    Me: No.........Gaelic.......ummmmmn........celtic?

    Friend: Cel what? What is she saying?

    Me: Celtic......and no this one isn't in's in Gaelic..

    Friend: I don't understand...

    Me: It's fucking Irish!

    Friend: Ohhhhhhhhhhh

    two palms to my face...........somebody please shoot me......:)

    Comments on "So I'm sitting at a friends house...."


    Blogger Jihad Punk said ... (6:08 PM) : 

    I often sing in garlic...usually after several beers and a curry...I think I sound quite good...but then again I am pissed at the time...


    Anonymous Ana said ... (2:36 AM) : 

    All prejudice about American, geography and history seems to be true :)
    Nice blog.


    Blogger hapi said ... (9:55 AM) : 

    Hi ZigZagMan, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog


    Blogger Hemraj said ... (5:57 AM) : 

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