Pretty lass with a crooked smile, limber hips, and her own transportation. Must have a sense of humour. Other qualifiers may apply. .............:) |
sex, porn, life, work, boredom. This site is largely NSFW!! :)
Best viewed using Firefox or opera at 1024X768 or better..still working on the IE tweaks...:)
Father, Big ole perv, dork, geek. Hopeless romantic....
Comments on "WANTED....."
Lol. Dork. =) I hope things are going better with you Sir Zig.
zigzag is back in the saddle......
Best wishes to you, although I am taken, I probably woulda fit the bill hehehe.
Thank you all...and sorry for the utter lack of replies...:)
It's been an odd ass bumpy ride...but I'm alive and feeling better..:)