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    Friday, June 16, 2006

    Memories of Argyle................

    Where to the Zig household, many deaths are remembered, candles lit, memories discussed. This time of year, I remember Argyle. Some of you who know whom I am ya goofs, others, just be patient, I'll explain.

    You see, this is Argyle in his very last days, partying in Canada. Seems harmless enough, but this is the weekend he passed on to the next sock puppet life.

    Now as you can clearly see, Argyle was a puppet of sin, debotchery, and just bad manner. He was by all accounts, a cigar smoking, porn reading, beer swilling cussing kinda guy. Man I miss him.

    Not to get all sappy, but he had a hard life, and lived hard....died well, and laffed all the way...............somebody say...............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........:)

    Now as you can see........he was haveing a good 'ole time in canada...................where he met his end. Nastybitch (not in this photo, but a nick from the channel gtg) tossed his stinkass in the fire pit and he screamed................YOU BITCH...........but copped a feel on the way,,,,,,,,,,,,and died.

    This is why I no longer visit Canada..........

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